VIE – Travel Regulations
International students are required to remain in the Greater Victoria area and are not permitted to travel to Vancouver or any other city without approval by VIE. If students would like to travel outside of B.C. or Canada they need parental authorization from their natural parent. Students should check that they have the correct travel documents to enter that specific country.
Students who wish to travel outside of Victoria must apply to the Program Office for permission and must do the following:
- Pick up a Student Travel Application from their International Advisor, VIE Program Office (Uplands Campus) or from our downloads section
- Complete ALL the information on the form and discuss it with their Homestay family. The host family must conduct their due diligence to verify the information before signing.
- Return the form to the VIE Program Office, by email to at least 7 days prior to travel.
If complete information has not been given, travel will not be approved. Last minute requests or late forms will not be approved. Travelling without permission or failing to provide accurate information is grounds for student dismissal from the Program.
- If travel will result in missed classes, students must talk to their teachers and International Advisor directly as well as receive VIE approval.
- A Student Travel Application form is needed for both overnight and single day travel.
- With permission, students may visit family members outside Victoria, and the VIE must be informed of travel details. Travel must be of an occasional nature.
- If students would like to travel overnight outside of Victoria, BC, parents need to sign the parental acknowledgement portion of the form. Please note the final decision about a travel request rests with the Program administrators.
- Students may travel with their parents, but the VIE Office must be notified.
- Students who travel outside Victoria must return on time.
- Students are not permitted to cohabit or to have mixed-gender sleepovers, either in the host household or while travelling.
- When students travel outside Victoria with their host family, a travel application does not need to be completed. Students must remain with their host family at all times. If you are travelling with your host family, a quick email with your plans is always helpful. Email us at